P1 Park Logistics S3 Skwierzyna Zachód
Location: Janas Logistics sp. z o.o. Gorzowska 18c, 66-440 Skwierzyna, POLAND
P1 Park Logistics S3 Skwierzyna Zachód are low-bay warehouses for rent. The warehouses are located on the main national road Szczecin-Poznań. Their area is 3,500 m2 each. In addition, we have a warehouse with an area of 1,000 m2. The warehouses are located on a 4-hectare plot, which allows for free storage of goods in the warehouses and easy access even for trucks.
P2 Park Logistics S3 Skwierzyna Południe
Location: Janas Logistics sp. z o.o. Międzyrzecka 50, 66-440 Skwierzyna, POLAND
P2 Logistics Park Skwierzyna Południe is located in the town of Skwierzyna in the Lubusz Province, directly next to the S3 national road at the Skwierzyna north junction. The town’s location – 30 kilometres from the A2 motorway, with a direct connection via the S3 road, and less than 100 kilometres from the Polish-German border – makes it an attractive area for all branches of the transport industry.
The P2 logistics centre includes: a high-bay warehouse, social and office facilities for warehouse staff, an office for transport handling, a gas station, and social facilities for drivers waiting for loading/unloading.
P3 Logistics Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Lokalizacja: Janas Logistics AG Farbenstraße 5, 06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Deutschland
P3 Logistics Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen położone jest w Niemczech niedaleko autostrady A9, 130 km od Berlina i 50 km od Lipska.
Centrum logistyczne P3 to przede wszystkim duży monitorowany i ogrodzony parking dla samochodów ciężarowych zarówno z naszej floty jak i innych klientów, oraz DriveTel Bitterfeld-Wolfen z 40 miejscami noclegowymi dla kierowców.
P4 Logistics Park Fürstenwalde
Lokalizacja: Janas Logistics AG Gewerbeparkring 1 Deutschland D-15517 Fürstenwalde/Spree
P4 Logistics Park Fürstenwalde położone jest w Niemczech niedaleko A12, 60 km od Berlina i 35 km od polskiej granicy w Frankfurcie nad Odrą.
P4 Logistics Park Fürstenwalde to siedziba Janas Logistics AG gdzie nadzorujemy pracę kierowców, prowadzimy spedycję przede wszystkim na terenie Niemiec, ale też innych krajów takich jak Francja, Słowacja, Polska, Słowenia i Węgry.
EXISTING AREA – for rent:
building area: 7,386.50 m2
usable area: 7,900.50 m2
including the warehouse part: 6,695.40 m2
total area: 8,424.60 m2
volume: 93,808.70 m3
length: 128.65 m
width: 66.00 m
height: 14.06 m
Ultimately, we will offer 15,000 m2 on a 4.5-hectare plot.
Rentable modules within the Janas Logistics logistics park offer:
– storage height of 10 meters,
– dust-free floor with a load capacity of 5 T/m2,
– required fire protection equipment,
– fire load above 4,000 MJ/m2,
– docks with protective collars and hydraulic ramps (lifts),
– gate at level “0”.
We provide tenants with spacious manoeuvring areas and comfortable parking lots for cars and trucks. The park area is fenced and safety is ensured by 24-hour security.
Row pallet racking – technical features:
– Loading unit: 800x1200mm (EUR) pallet and 1000mm x1200mm industrial pallet.
– Pallet overhang: no.
Storage method: long side inwards.
– Maximum pallet height including load: 1950 mm,
– Maximum pallet weight including load: 750 kg.
– Section width: 3600/2700 mm,
– Depth of supporting frame: 1100 mm,
– Maximum evenly distributed load on a pair of traverses: L= 3600mm 4×750 kg,
– Maximum evenly distributed load on a pair of traverses: L= 2700mm 3×750 kg,
– Maximum load on the rack area: 15,000 kg,
– Height of internal/extreme frames: 9000/9250 mm,
– Number of storage levels: 0+4,
– Racking capacity: 14,388+92 units,
– Foot pressure on the floor: 47 kg/cm2,
– Effective foot area: 170.3 cm2,
– Racking class: 300A.
NOTE: The frames are adapted for adding another storage level (0+5), each level with a load capacity of 4×750 kg. The permissible load on the frame is 15,000 kg.
The high-bay warehouse is operated with forklifts from the renowned company Jungheinrich => Battery-powered system picking trolley with rotating fork carriage EKX 410-516. Lifting height: 3000-18000 mm / Load capacity: 1000-1600 kg.

P3 Logistics Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen
Location: Janas Logistics AG, Farbenstraße 5, 06803 Bitterfeld-Wolfen, Deutschland
P3 Logistics Park Bitterfeld-Wolfen is located in Germany near the A9 motorway, 130 kilometres from Berlin and 50 kilometres from Leipzig.
The P3 logistics centre is primarily a large monitored and fenced parking lot for trucks from both our and other customers’ fleet, as well as DrivTel Bitterfeld-Wolfen able to accommodate 40 drivers.
P4 Logistics Park Fürstenwalde
Location: Janas Logistics AG, Gewerbeparkring 1, Deutschland, D-15517 Fürstenwalde/Spree
P4 Logistics Park Fürstenwalde is located in Germany near the A12, 60 kilometres from Berlin and 35 kilometres from the Polish border in Frankfurt (Oder).
P4 Logistics Park Fürstenwalde is the headquarters of Janas Logistics AG, where we supervise the work of drivers and carry out forwarding mainly in Germany, but also in other countries such as France, Slovakia, Poland, Slovenia and Hungary.
Size of logistics parks
The activities of Janas Logistics are dedicated to small, medium and large enterprises. With our staff’s professionalism and knowledge of the industry, we ensure safety in the implementation of our services.